Coffee Talks & Events

Coffee talks are informal online meet-ups that happen once a month amongst our members where scholars share projects they are working on and can discuss with their peers.

Team members will get updates, schedules and links via email.  If you are a scholar working on a related subject and would like to join us or if you are a member of CRASH  and are not getting these updates please reach out to our national coordinator (

If these are only open to members why are they posted here?

Topics posted here will usually be coming to conferences, journals, or other venues in the near future. Consider this a sneak peek!

If you would like to become a member of C.R.A.S.H. please contact us at

“Nothing by Mouth: Physicians, the Burden of Down Syndrome, and Euthanasia in late-20th Century Canada.”

Dr. Martha Walls

November 17, 2023

Noon Atlantic Time

Brief Abstract

Through the late 20th century physicians endorsed the denial of life-saving surgeries to infants because they had Down syndrome. Grim assessments of the inevitable burden of Down syndrome found ideological footing in the 1970s crusade to eradicate the condition, a public health goal made possible by new genetic diagnostics and weakened prohibitions on abortion. What is most striking about this physician-sanctioned passive euthanasia is that it persisted even in an era of

Eugenic Legacies across the Pacific Islands 

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 17:45 - Thu, 16 Nov 2023 21:00 AST

Brought to us by From Small Beginnings, this 2-day online symposium will surface and explore the long and ongoing legacies of eugenics and anti-eugenics in the Pacific through the themes of reproductive justice, disability, anthropology and repatriation, arts and culture and environmental justice, with the aim of inviting scholars, activists and artists from across the Pacific and beyond, to consider how we might imagine building an anti-eugenic future together.

New Podcast Launch: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 18:30 - 20:00 GMT

Join member Élaina Gauthier-Mamaril as she launches her new research podcast: Massively Disabled- A Long Covid Research Podcast. Event will be in-person and on Zoom. Click here to register for the event and here to learn more, listen, and subscribe!

Examining Eugenics in Nova Scotia

Abigail Keeping (she/her)

October, 20th, 2023

Noon Atlantic Time

This paper is the result of research supported by a SSHRC: Explore Undergrad Research Award. 

Brief Abstract

Abigail has refocused the understanding of the application of eugenics in Nova Scotia by focusing on the Shelburne Youth Centre (SYC) in Nova Scotia, Canada, and its connection to eugenic ideologies. Through her research, Abigail highlights the ways in which the eugenic ideals, purposes, and practices were transferred (along with the incarcerated youth) from early institutions to later post-mid-century larger facilities in the province.

Japanese Eugenic Ideologies: The 'Comfort Women' System

Naomi Kent (They/Them)

September 5th, 2023

Naomi is a Masters of History student at Saint Mary’s University. In their talk “Japanese Eugenic Ideologies:  The ‘Comfort Women’ System,” Naomi examines the ways in which the system of sexual slavery employed by the Japanese military in the twentieth century mobilized eugenic ideas about ethnicity and socio-economic status in their selection and treatment of the women who served as ‘Comfort Women.’

Keep your eye to this space as we prepare our schedule of coffee talks for the coming academic year.