The Canada Region Anti-Eugenic Scholarship Hub
Towards a future without eugenics
Who We Are
Who We Are
CRASH (Canada Region Anti-eugenic Scholarship Hub) was formed from the Legacy of Eugenics in Canada symposium, hosted by the University of Saskatchewan in 2021 to continue the event organizers’ goals of bringing attention to the history, legacies, and continued concerns surrounding eugenics in Canada.
CRASH (Canada Region Anti-eugenic Scholarship Hub) was formed from the Legacy of Eugenics in Canada symposium, hosted by the University of Saskatchewan in 2021 to continue the event organizers’ goals of bringing attention to the history, legacies, and continued concerns surrounding eugenics in Canada.
Beginning in the mid-nineteenth and continuing throughout the twentieth century, the term eugenics was used to describe a movement to control the reproduction of human populations through (often government-led) human interventions. While the term eugenics eventually fell out of favor, eugenicist ideas shape(d) and remain(ed) embedded in aspects of science, medicine, and social and immigration policies.
Beginning in the mid-nineteenth and continuing throughout the twentieth century, the term eugenics was used to describe a movement to control the reproduction of human populations through (often government-led) human interventions. While the term eugenics eventually fell out of favor, eugenicist ideas shape(d) and remain(ed) embedded in aspects of science, medicine, and social and immigration policies.
Since 2020 the From Small Beginnings Project has been working with scholars globally to bring attention to the legacies of eugenics in modern society. CRASH is one of the most recent national additions to this larger program. Our goal is to ensure that the history and legacies of eugenics are neither forgotten nor repeated. We work to provide resources that are accessible to the public, educators, and students and to create scholarly discourse around confronting eugenics today.
Since 2020 the From Small Beginnings Project has been working with scholars globally to bring attention to the legacies of eugenics in modern society. CRASH is one of the most recent national additions to this larger program. Our goal is to ensure that the history and legacies of eugenics are neither forgotten nor repeated. We work to provide resources that are accessible to the public, educators, and students and to create scholarly discourse around confronting eugenics today.